Saturday, November 2, 2013

Getting started...finally.

I've been thinking about starting a blog for years, mainly because everyone always asks me if I have one and when I say "no", they always say "oh you should".  So it always felt like more of a chore than what I imagined it should  Right?  These days though, I find myself making more and more (baby clothes, dolls, purses, invitations, gifts, jewelry, art pieces, party name it, I've probably tried it) and I'd like a place to catalog all of my madness.  Something just for me.  Much better reason to finally fire up a blog, no? So here I am.  Keeping track just for me.  And if a few friends wander by to see what I'm up to, that's a bonus.  But until then...

Here are a few dolls that I hope to have listed on etsy very soon (mind you, I've been saying that for about a year now- Photoshop totally kicks my ass. Sigh).  Though I will be sad to let these little sweeties go.  I have fallen a bit in love with their little personalities.

Meet Posey and her ever faithful friend, Butterbean:

This is Grey, though she is really much perkier than her name suggests:

And Velma.  Her glasses pretty much say it all:

At the moment, I'm working on lots of projects for a charity sewing party as well as a doll for a very dear artist friend.  I CANNOT WAIT for her to be finished!  Here's a tiny sneak peek.  Yes.  She has tattoos.  Eeeks!  

I'll be back soon with more to add to my list of makings, because, as we say in our house, "that's how Outlaws dooze it!"  (We've lost our minds, it's true.  But we like us that way.)


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